Synopsis: In Victorian-era Europe, a young boy loses everything he once held near and dear to a vicious plot. In his moment of death, he strikes a deal with a demon: his soul, in exchange for revenge. Ciel Phantomhive is now the head of the Phantomhive corporation, handling all business affairs as well as the underground work for the Queen of England. His new partner is a demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, whose powers as a butler is only surpassed by his strength as a demon.
The story follows the two along with their other servants, as they work to unravel the plot behind Ciel's parents' murder, and the horrendous tragedies that befell Ciel in the month directly after.
The story follows the two along with their other servants, as they work to unravel the plot behind Ciel's parents' murder, and the horrendous tragedies that befell Ciel in the month directly after.
Devil May Cry follows the story of the demon hunter known as Dante. As a half demon, half human, he uses his trusty sword Rebellion and his two guns Ebony and Ivory to take on missions. Dante owns and runs "Devil May Cry", a business that specializes in hunting and killing demon-related problems.
Based on the video game series "Devil May Cry".
Based on the video game series "Devil May Cry".
Devil May Cry follows the story of the demon hunter known as Dante. As a half demon, half human, he uses his trusty sword Rebellion and his two guns Ebony and Ivory to take on missions. Dante owns and runs "Devil May Cry", a business that specializes in hunting and killing demon-related problems.
Based on the video game series "Devil May Cry".
Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Historical, Shounen, SupernaturalBased on the video game series "Devil May Cry".
Episodes: 24
Status: Finished
Rating: R - 17+
Rating: R - 17+
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