Synopsis: Set in a world where history has taken a slightly different course from
the one we're familiar with, K follows the story of a young boy whose
life is caught in a psychic war between seven kings.
Ashinaka High School is known for its unique setting: the entire campus is built on an island. Yashiro Isana, aka Shiro, is having lunch with a cat on one of the school rooftops. After his lunch break, Shiro goes on an errand for his classmate Kukuri to prepare for their upcoming school festival, only to be chased by some intimidating-looking men.
Ashinaka High School is known for its unique setting: the entire campus is built on an island. Yashiro Isana, aka Shiro, is having lunch with a cat on one of the school rooftops. After his lunch break, Shiro goes on an errand for his classmate Kukuri to prepare for their upcoming school festival, only to be chased by some intimidating-looking men.
Genres: Action, Supernatural
Episodes: 13
Status: Finished (2012)
Rating: PG-13
Secretary Comments: This anime looks gorgeous, the whole thing just oozing quality. The action scenes are pretty tense when they happen, and there's plenty of intrigue to go around to hook you after just the first episode. I mean, I know I'm going to be picking up this anime (if only because the main character is, you guys know me...) because overall it looks like a winner. There is also a second season, and it has some very amusing lines/moments so it's well rounded entertainment for all! Unless you're under the age of 13. Then ratings say, KEEP OUT.
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