Monday, April 18, 2011

Rurouni Kenshin

First up, have a great break/Easter. We will have no meeting on Monday because of it. 

Second, cosplay next meeting (5/2) so come dressed up. Play some games, have some food and maybe win a prize for best cosplay! 

This Week's Anime Was Picked by: Paul


Opening Theme: Click Here
Manga: Click Here

Summary:  Himura Kenshin is a vagabond with a dark past and sunny disposition. Not a ronin but a rurouni, he was never a samurai, but an assassin of utmost skill in the Meiji restoration, who in the turning point of the war simply walked away. His travels lead him to Tokyo in the 11th year of the Meiji era, where he befriends a female Kendo master, a former thief, a brawler and a doctor all with their own secrets. Together they fight off the enemies surfacing from the dark past that Kenshin cannot escape.

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